Estyn Report

Dear Parent/Carer

I am delighted to share our inspection report with you which has been published on the Estyn website today.

The inspection team visited school from 28th February to 3rd March, we had eight inspectors in total at different points in the week. The inspection team spent a lot of time in classes observing teaching and learning as well as time with the children and meeting with staff and governors. The results of the parent and pupil questionnaires and those parents who met with the inspectors was very positive. I am very grateful for your support.

We have so much to celebrate with what has been identified in the report. We are also proud to have been identified as having practice so good, it should be shared with other schools across Wales. As you can see, we have two recommendations: one is to further establish our classroom assessments (which is already a school priority for us this year), and the second is to share the good practice across the school and beyond our own school.

I am very grateful to all the staff and governors at the school, from our lunchtime supervisors, cleaners, teachers, and administrative staff to the teaching support staff; it is a wonderful team whose priority is ensuring our children achieve the very best they can. The inspection team recognised this as they stated, “St Joseph’s Cathedral Primary School is a safe, nurturing and vibrant place for pupils, staff and visitors to be. Pupils love coming to school and are proud to be a part of such an inclusive and supportive learning community. The headteacher and the team of teachers and support staff take exceptional care of their pupils and want the best for all of them.”

As well as enjoying school, the inspectors also noted, “During their time at St Joseph’s, most pupils flourish. They make very good progress from their starting points and achieve high standards.”

As headteacher, I am so proud of the children. When asked by the inspectors, “What will we see in your school, Mrs Heald?” I replied, “Wonderful children who are polite, hardworking and make St Joseph’s the special community it is.” I am glad they saw that, and it is in the report: “Pupils’ positive attitudes, their love of learning and their respect for others are inspiring and at the heart of the school’s ethos and philosophy. Pupils interact with one other compassionately and sensitively, demonstrating true empathy when talking about world events and sharing their views.”

The new Estyn inspection framework no longer grades schools but I am sure, as you read the report, you are able to acknowledge the strengths of the school. I know how much your support and work with us contributes to the success of the school, so thank you for the part you have played in our continued improvement.

Many thanks,

Angela Heald
