Croeso i Blwyddyn 5

Come and meet Blwyddyn 5

Information for parents and carers about Year 5 from Mrs Appleby and Mrs Fitchett

Mrs Appleby, Mrs Thomas, Miss Powe and Mrs Fitchett work in Year 5

Y5 Reminders
  • Reading– children are expected to try and read with an adult at least 3 times a week.  Please ensure that you sign your child’s diary regularly to let us know your child has read.  This will also go towards them achieving a reading stamp!  Please ask the children about our reading at home initiative.
  • Reading Eggs, My Maths, TTR Rockstars and Hwb- Children all have passwords for these websites and apps.  Please do encourage your children to use these digital platforms to support them with their learning.
  • Uniform-  Please check the uniform policy on the website to ensure the correct uniform is being worn.  Can all uniform be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.
What are Year 5 learning about this year? Click here to find out:

Y5 Parent overview for Autumn term